Looking for new routes for our bike tours in Tuscany

On November 22nd I went on my gravel bike to the Padule del Lago di Massaciuccoli in searchly of a lovelier road than the one we usually advised for the stage from Lucca to Viareggio of our "La Costa degli Etruschi" bike tour.
Bright sunny day and really mild weather, a real pleasure!
In total I met 4/5 fisher cars, 2/3 tractors that plowed the fields and many herons (both white and gray), storks and other types of birds that I don't know, a real haven of peace and serenity that made me reflect and I asked myself a few questions: why do we have no tourists in this period?
The prices are better and the services more accurate as there is no overcrowding typical of the summer months. The weather is perfect for cycling, the food is definitely tastier and more inviting than the summer one, so why doesn't anyone come?
I still haven't given myself an answer because it's too complex and I didn't want to think too much about on a heavenly day, but I found a nice road along a canal that allows me to significantly improve the stage and I returned home very happy.
