Montecarlo wine route
Prices from € 50,00
Bike Model: Gravel
Duration: 4 hours

Montecarlo wine route

Montecarlo is a small medieval town perched on a hill at an altitude of 160 metres, surrounded by vineyards and wineries where the excellent Montecarlo doc. wines are produced. In order to reach the town we shall first take advantage of the unpaved road along the river Serchio, then of the wine roads of the Lucca hills, offering brief ascents and steep descents, where in times gone by the richest Lucca families built very beautiful villas, now transformed into functioning museums, as they considered this countryside the most beautiful of all the land around Lucca. After a well earned rest in Montecarlo, and perhaps also a winery visit to sample their fare, the return journey is only flatland and a few descents, through the wetland to the south to complete our tour.

Waste no more time

Do not hesitate to ask for more information and plan now your holiday

Advised starting time:  9.00 a.m.

Schedule: on request, every day

Meeting point: Via Vittorio Emanuele, 78 - Lucca city centre.

Difficulty: intermediate

Trip Time: 3/4 hours

Lenght: Km: 60;

Accumulated climb: m. 300;

Terrain: asphalt/dirt road


Gravel bike + € 30,00



Only gps + track: € 20,00


Guide: € 145,00

*cost to share among the participants